This week, Hanne Røberg-Larsen (SFI-CAST) was recently awarded the GE Healthcare Young Scientist award, for her Master thesis entitled “Determination of oxysterols in cancer stem cells using on-line automated filtration and filter-flush solid phase extraction liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry”. In addition to this achievement, Hanne has had a good year; In January, she was awarded the Water Innovation Prize, for her lecture on analysis of oxysterols using “AFFL-SPE-LC”, a technique that she and two other co-inventors (Kristin Svendsen and supervisor Steven Ray Wilson) have applied for a patent together with Inven2. Also, she is second author of a paper that was published this summer, and first author on a paper recently submitted. Hanne was supervised by Steven Ray Wilson, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk and Stefan Krauss.
Way to go!!!
Way to go!!!