tirsdag 10. august 2010

Comparison of Fenton and sono-Fenton bisphenol A degradation.

Iordache Ioana,Steven Wilson, Elsa Lundanes and Aelenei Neculaic
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Volume 142, Issues 1-2, 2 April 2007, Pages 559-563

Degradation of bisphenol A (BPA) was carried out with the Fenton reagent with and without additional sonochemical treatment. The Fenton and the sono-Fenton decomposition of BPA showed that ultrasound irradiation of wastewater improved the wet oxidation process of 25 mg l−1 BPA solutions.

The sonochemical degradation of BPA was monitored using UV absorption and large volume injection packed capillary LC measurements.

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